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Angee Our talks July 21, 2019
The past few years have been really hard for me, I wish you were here so we could talk.. I miss you more than words can say, I know it's been a long time since I've wrote to you and I'm sorry. I'm in Alaska with Molly and her family you'd love her little girl Sydni she is Molly up and down or shall I call her suechang jr. Salena and her son and husband live in Germany and love it. Tonight has been really hard for me you, bub and papaw have been on my mind and I've cried alot. I know it's hard taking care of papaw and bub but you can do it. I miss talking to you. I promise I'll write more often. Living at Mom's is hard I walk through the house and see your chair and expect you to be sitting in it. I love and miss you so much.
Merry Merry January 5, 2017
Dale and I talking while we were driving on route 10 how much you use to like driving in the snow. We had good times going up pine creek and playing in the snow. You would take that old love truck in places that we didn't think it would go. Had a lot of good times sleigh riding. I miss all those winters. Love you
Merry Tired and finished with people March 5, 2016
I'm really tired of trying to help and talk to people. I just don't want to talk, see or be around these people anymore, not as long as I live. I don't even want them around me even if and when I pass away. I'm just tired. I don't even want them to know anything about me anymore, what I am doing, if I'm sick or what I need to have done. I am more done them a christmas turkey with these people.
Merry Families February 21, 2015
Why does families, no matters whose family, they always fight. Most families no matters whose are greedy, they want anything and everything no matter if its theirs or not. Most families doesn't have anything good to say about any other member of the family or any other person. Why does greed take over family or people. Why does family members despise one another, not one family, any family. That's the reason people distance themselves from a lot of family members.
Miss and love you
Merry People and Kin January 2, 2015
People and kin don't think you know things about what, when or how they do stuff or tell tall tales, but if you listen to them in what they say, and how they say it you'll know. Your own kin people tell more tall tales then anybody and then wants and expects you or anyone to believe them in what they are saying or doing. People and kin just call me just because they are bored, wants to know something or bored while they are driving to work or on long trips, (which is them just being bored). They could call another person or other people. These people and kin do their own thing with different people and when I do my own thing or go places, they want to be nosey about how, what, when, where, and who I'm with.  Alot of people and kin go on trips and don't ask if other people want to go, cause it will cramp their style or the people they are with. When Dale and I go on a tri or anywhere those people and kin want to know why they wasn't invite them. This crap has been going on for as long as I can remember and it's going to stop as of today. I really don't care if people or kin come around, never did and never will. 
Miss and love you very, very much, xoxoxo
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